You might not believe it, but I'm still alive. Five months in Mexico are over and I'm finally publishing the post about my 4th month, ups! But well, better late than never. Which seems to be the motto of this blog because there are some more promised post that still aren't written. I hope I can improve this fact in 2018...
This post is going to be short, but you can look forward to the 5th months update which is going to be long and with lots of nice pictures.
This "christmas tree" made me miss home a lot :D |
The fact I was freezing so often might be the cause why I didn't feel well and my motivation level was quite low for some weeks.
I was also ill and had to deal with a cold (no wonder really!) and in the beginning of December I was a little homesick because I missed the advent in Germany with all its decoration and Christmas markets. But (spoiler alert!) the rest of December was great as you will read soon in my next post.

I also took part in church service for a 15th birthday and after that they did a parade through the center of Oaxaca in the traditional dresses of the "chinas oaxaquenas" and the girl who celebrated her birthday in her eye-catching dress. It was great to see a tradition like this in real life because I couldn't imagine how important these 15th birthdays (called Quinceñeras here in Mexico) are even though I'm experiencing very closely how the preparations work.
At the end of my 4th month our coordinator hosted a small German "Posada" (more about what that is exactly in my next post) and all the volunteers brought typical Christmassy foods which helped getting into the Christmas spirit.
I also participated in a workshop for digital security which was very interesting and I learnt quite a few new things.

Someone told me in December that I had a Portuguese accent when speaking Spanish. My first reaction was sadness because I thought that it's a bad thing that I can't speak Spanish perfectly. Later I realised that this accent has a great history and it's shows that I've already spent time in Brazil and that I have the ability to speak Portuguese which are good things. Therefore I can accept it and even be a little proud of it.
As you might have noticed, I cut out one category this time because I can't remember much about this topic to be honest. But it will be back next time.
Have a good time and see you soon,
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